copy of email to Prof. Hawking-info. to be on the same page
(too old to reply)
Wg Cdr Thomas Walker
2006-08-25 17:29:56 UTC
Hi, I sent the following email to Prof. Hawking,but got only an automated
Would like to share with others too.
**Automatic Reply**

Your email regarding "My interest in Physics" has been received.

Professor Hawking very much regrets that due to the severe limitations he
works under, and the huge amount of mail he receives, he may not have time
to write you a reply. All e-mail is read. We do not have the facilities
in to deal with the specific scientific enquiries, or theories we receive.

Please see the website http://www.hawking.org.uk for more information
about Professor Hawking, his life and his work.

Yours faithfully

David Pond

Graduate Assistant to
Professor S W Hawking CH CBE FRS

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,
University of Cambridge,
CB3 0WA.
United Kingdom.

Hi Prof. Stephen Hawking,

I have been wanting to contact you for sometime.

I have a lot of interest in physics which has attracted me most from
childhood. However, I became an electrical engineer, then a software
professional and had a career in the Indian Air Force and then at the
Central research Laboratory, Bharat electronics Bangalore etc.

My strength has been my ability to analyze and I am looking for still the
solutions that may exist for the Mysteries of the Universe.

I would like to discuss with you and seek to further my knowledge/clear
doubts if possible and if it is OK with you.

I am of course an amateur as far as Physics is concerned though my ideas may
be radical and following an unbending logic.

In maths I did find an equation 'Walker's Equation' as given in

In short I believe : The solution to what's matter is not found or
adequately explained.
My Ideas :
It is ridiculous to think of Big Bang with the whole universe as 'one
point' as the start of the universe. Why should there be any start at all.
And why anticipate an end? When even the number of 'rational numbers' are
countless why can't the universe be endless. We have solar system and
similar systems,Galaxies and similar galaxies and may as well have our
universe and similar universes even if each one came from some big bang.
I do agree that I may not be able to follow an euclidian straight line as
the straightness may not be possible to physically create, but still I dont
see an end to the theoretical 'straight line' which will always be endless.
If something is limitting it what is beyond this limit. Therefore I don't
agree that space may have an end or limit.

The matter and universe is likely to have a 'steady state' behaviour of
matter creation and transformation and energy matter conversions.
In a radical way, I seem to think that at the heart of any bit of matter has
to be an equivalent of a 'Black Hole' because the gravitational attraction
being proportional to the inverse square of the distance, and therefore
infinite when the distance is zero and no matter can escape this attraction.
Only a nuclear force can break this and convert the entire mass into energy.
I need to find this unifying way of explaining this phenomena of Matter.

Another paradox :
Even when I was in college 40 years ago, I thought about the following
paradox. The color we see from objects around us comes from perception from
our own eye triggered probably by the frequency of the light. I might see a
color say 'red' only as I might perceive which could be quite different from
what another perceives or say what a dog or other animal sees as.
Even if somebody sees red the same way as I might see 'green' both will
point to that object and say that it is red. For each would have been told
from childhood that it is 'red' and it doesn't matter what hue it creates
inside the eye. May be the preference of color occurs due to this.

I have similarly lot of ideas on various things and would like to experiment
on all these until the last of my life. I need opportunities.

with best regards

Thomas Walker
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
2006-08-25 17:34:40 UTC
Post by Wg Cdr Thomas Walker
Even when I was in college 40 years ago, I thought about the following
paradox. The color we see from objects around us comes from perception from
our own eye triggered probably by the frequency of the light. I might see a
color say 'red' only as I might perceive which could be quite different from
what another perceives or say what a dog or other animal sees as.
Even if somebody sees red the same way as I might see 'green' both will
point to that object and say that it is red. For each would have been told
from childhood that it is 'red' and it doesn't matter what hue it creates
inside the eye. May be the preference of color occurs due to this.
Unless one has an abnormality, we really do see the same RED, or any other
primary color. It's hardwired.
Wg Cdr Thomas Walker
2006-08-26 04:29:00 UTC
Simply put : wyswyg : What you see is what you get
So, What you see no one else can see or have the equivalent stimulation.
What makes the color constant between viewers and equivalent to all is its
frequency [EM wave] which remains same for a particular color.
Post by j
Post by Wg Cdr Thomas Walker
Even when I was in college 40 years ago, I thought about the following
paradox. The color we see from objects around us comes from perception from
our own eye triggered probably by the frequency of the light. I might
Post by j
Post by Wg Cdr Thomas Walker
color say 'red' only as I might perceive which could be quite different from
what another perceives or say what a dog or other animal sees as.
Even if somebody sees red the same way as I might see 'green' both will
point to that object and say that it is red. For each would have been told
from childhood that it is 'red' and it doesn't matter what hue it creates
inside the eye. May be the preference of color occurs due to this.
Unless one has an abnormality, we really do see the same RED, or any other
primary color. It's hardwired.
Posted via a free Usenet account from http://www.teranews.com
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